Fuelling Correctly on Your Long Runs

You may have already noticed it’s long run season. Here in Hastings, between 30-40 of us have been sacrificing a Sunday lie in to get up early and smash out the miles. 2 hours wasn’t enough on our most recent gathering with plenty doing loops of the park to top up their time on feet. […]
Refueling After a Long Run

Nutrition isn’t my strong point and as an online running coach my advice would be to speak to an expert if you are keen to nail down a diet which is perfect for your training plan. What I hope to do here at PB Runner is offer some simple tips like this that some runners […]
Keep Hydrated

Pretty simple advice folks! As runners we need to keep hydrated. I’m not going to tell you how much water you need to be drinking as that will vary from one runner to the next. But with the temperatures due to rise over the next few months it is important to ensure we are properly […]
Weight Loss

Running is great form of exercise when it comes to losing weight as you burn a lot of calories. If you want to improve your times then weight loss is one aspect you could consider to become a better runner. Nutrition is very important and there is a strong relationship between that and weight loss. […]