Hills Reps

We all love hills right? I remember training for the 2018 Hastings Half Marathon when my fitness was particularly poor. I only ever ran on the seafront and the minute I reached Queensway I just had to walk, I didn’t have the confidence, strength, of fitness to run the hill. Since then hills have always […]

Go Hard in Sessions

If you’re looking to make gains and improve your times across distances ranging from 5k up to half marathon, then the really important sessions are intervals. These can vary depending on the coach you are working with or the training plan you are following. It’s a real opportunity to put some variety into your training […]

Train at Goal Pace

When I trained for my first marathon, Bournemouth 2018, I was a little disgruntled at the pace of my long runs. A wise head, or whom I assumed was knowledgeable in this field, explained all my long runs should be at least a minute per mile slower than my pace on race day. The logic […]

Train in Groups

When I first started my own running journey I spent 12 months training on my own. It wasn’t until I completed my first half marathon and joined my local club Hastings Runners that I realised the benefits of training with others. The biggest factor for me has been the social side. It’s given me so […]