

I think adding these exercises into a regular warm up will also help with your running form.


Easy Runs



With limited time given your work and kids, doing the warm up just before any interval sessions or tempo is all that is needed. If you find a spare 10 minutes before a run then you can always refer to this workout.

Easy/Long Runs

Easy Runs/Long Runs

Same as the sessions but without the 10 minute WU jog.

Ideally do these before every run. If going out for an easy run or long run you don’t need to do the 10 minutes easy jog. Just do the exercises instead. Click on any of the exercises to view the tutorial. Any problems let me know.
Race or Intervals

This is a great warm up which really focus on improving your stride length. If done often enough over a period of time the stride length should naturally increase.
Easy Runs

Start doing these 10 minute warm ups before an easy run.
Interval Sessions

Very important to do a good warm up before your intervals. If you do have time, I would also recommend doing these before your easy run too. But appreciate that is not always possible. The 10 minutes easy jog isn’t necessary before an easy run though.
Easy Runs

A strong focus on strengthening the feet and making sure they are ready for the run. Some dynamic stretches get the muscles ready for the run ahead. A few drills which in time should help improve your cadence and make you a more efficient runner.
Easy Runs

If you can find a spare 10 minutes before your easy run I think these drills will make a difference long term to your cadence and hopefully the strength of your ankles
Easy Runs

Start doing these 10 minute warm ups before an easy run.
Race or Intervals

This is a great warm up which really focus on improving your stride length. If done often enough over a period of time the stride length should naturally increase.
Joe Cruttenden – Warm Up
All Runs

For the longer interval runs you don’t need a warm up jog. For parkrun right now a 5 minute warm up jog would be enough. But doing these activation exercises will certain warm up the muscles ready for your runs.
Easy/Long Run Warm Up

The warm up isn’t as important on an easy run or long run as you can use the first mile or two of the session itself to build into the run. If the muscles and joints are feeling tight though it’s never a bad idea just to run through the quick exercises which will take […]
Race/Efforts Warm Up

It’s very important to get in the good habit of doing a warm up before an efforts (non coached) session, a tempo run or a race. A good warm up will increase your heart rate and the blood flow, allowing more oxygen to reach your muscles. It will also activate the connection between your nerves […]
Race/Efforts Warm Up
Very important to get in the good habit of doing a warm up before an efforts (non coached) session, a tempo run or a race. A good warm up will increase your heart rate and the blood flow, allowing more oxygen to reach your muscles. It will also activate the connection between your nerves and […]