Learn from your mistakes

Possibly one of the best pieces of advice you’ll ever receive in life. Not just from running, but all aspects of our day to day activity. We all make mistakes, in all forms of life, but if we learn from them, then we can’t be hard on ourselves. I receive feedback everyday from my runners […]

Grasp the Opportunity

I love the Running Channel. If you’re not one of their 624,000 You Tube subscribers then I recommend you head on over and check it out, after reading this running tip of course. Andy Baddeley is the man behind the Running Channel and without going into too much depth about his credentials, he’s someone you […]

1KM at a Time

How often do you wake up, throw off the duvet cover, leap into your running shoes and skip out of the door for a run? The answer is probably never! To be honest, for most of us, just the thought of going out for a run or training session is enough to hit that snooze […]

Self Talk and the Mental Side of Running

With the biggest race of the year for many of us runners in Hastings, just 3 days away, I wanted to loosely cover the topic of self talk. I cannot underestimate the important of this in running, especially when the going gets tough. Trust me, on Sunday, even early in the race (Queensway) the going […]

Hard Work will bring Success

If you’ve set yourself a new running goal that is beyond your current fitness levels then it’s important to accept that at some stage you are going to have to work hard to achieve that goal. I love the term progressive overload which means working harder that I did previously to bring about improvement. This […]

Remain Patient

Sometimes we expect everything to happen straight away. But improvement takes time. The chances of turning up to parkrun each Saturday morning and knocking a few more seconds from your PB is unrealistic. You need to focus on the process. Introduce a strategic training plan that will help improve your running over a sustained period […]

Don’t Compare Others

Running is a very individual sport and one of the biggest mistakes we can make is comparing ourselves to others. Race times are a clear indication of current fitness levels and performance but it’s important not to get too bogged down with these numbers and statistics. Unless your name is Mo or Kipchoge, someone is […]

Believe in Yourself

Often our biggest critics can be ourselves. We seek perfection and when we fail to achieve that impossible goal, we berate ourselves. It’s madness. Yet I am one of the biggest culprits. Running can help change this. When we run there is an increase in electrical activity in key areas in the brain that are […]